

My foamy back seat extender gives me WAY more room to stretch out, sprawl, and allows me to supervise Toast as he drives without having to stand up, or back legs on seat, front legs on floor. That's not comfortable!

 THIS is comfortable, and I may have napped a bit on the way home. Pawdicures are exhausting. 

I was also the most adorable pupper in the clinic... until that stupid bunny came in, but I wasn't allowed to look at the bunny, be near the bunny, or even think about the bunny. I did get a lot of love and attention from random people, and I didn't even jump up on them.

I didn't want to go into the back room this time, and honestly I just didn't feel like going into the building... something about the scale... I don't want to be weighed. I get judged a lot after it pings up its number. The scale lies.

Bleeder has been watching this guy on the Instagrams and highly recommends that you humans do too. I don't recommend you watch it, as it is nothing but training stuff for dogs. When I say training stuff for dogs, it's not: How to grab that bacon off the counter, or How to get the fridge open to reach the cheese sticks. It's all: How to stop your working breed from working and hauling you down the street on your face while you scream.

The one thing I do agree on is the large amount of treating involved in training. I need to be motivated, what is my motivation... treats. Bleeder does say that I'm behaving much better on leash and she doesn't require a heating pad and Tylenol after we go for walks any more.

Since I was such a good pupper yesterday, and because it is Sunday, it's Pancake Sunday!!

Then I spent the morning eviscerating my squeaky toy. It was a beaver, but I ripped the tail off already.

Don't even think about trying to take it away from me!
