Uncle Jack Ghoul Pool

Yes everyhusky (dog, girl-girl, huffle, wilbur, tia, tervs... ok, this is getting ridiculous, from now on its just everyhusky and just assume I mean the various and sundry everybody), its almost time for Uncle Jack's annual visit.

For those of you who are new, I'll do a little recap:
Uncle Jack visits us the first week of September every year, and every year someone famous dies, and there's a horrible natural (or terrorist) disaster. Like clockwork he is, bad things happen when Uncle Jack comes to town.

Some of Uncle Jack's more famous visits:
September 11th (yes, THAT September 11th)
Hurricane Katrina
Steve Irwin (who saw that one coming?)

Just do a search on the blog for "Uncle Jack" and you can read all about the carnage.

As I've done for a few years now, its apparently time to start the ghoul pool to guess what famous person will kick the bucket when Uncle Jack is in town. Holly Bolly Boo asked me earlier if Uncle Jack had snuck into town early, as we've lost Bernie Mac AND Isaac Hayes all in one weekend. The only thing I can say about that is, no, Uncle Jack isn't here yet, and if those famous people are going now, it'll be a grand ghoul pool this year, with a pretty nice natural disaster too!

Ok, so get your guesses in now until Uncle Jack arrives 31 August. Remember, the moment he gets on the plane, every celebrity is fair game, no matter how healthy (remember Steve Irwin... and yes, Opy and Charlie I'M SORRY, I have no control over who it is).

Leave your guesses in the comment section and may the best pup win!

OH! Before I forget, Khyra bestowed the Kind Blogger award to all of the SMS crew. I'm quite honored to be a member of SMS and to receive such a wonderful award, but I have to hug my fluffiness at the irony that I'm asking for ghoul pool nominations in the same blog entry where I'm displaying a "Kind Blogger" award. Heeeee!



  1. Does Uncle Jack drop food? I sure looks like he does in that picture.

  2. Mel Gibson. No-one will see that one coming.

    Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

  3. You khould have shrugged or rolled your eyes?

    Maybe a weak grin or two??

    Khyra (just Khyra - Merdie's peops khame fur her)

  4. Our Ghoul pool pick is:
    Elizabeth Taylor

    And tell Uncle Jack to make sure
    the horrible natural disaster isn't an eathquake in Khalifornia pllllllllllllllllllease.

    Sam will soon be here and we want to keep him safe!

    Frankie, Maddie & Domino

  5. Hmmmmmmm, this is a tough one. I'm gonna go with Betty Ford or Ted Kennedy. Or both.


  6. We think it's going to be another Hurricane. Stil pondering the celebrity factor though.


  7. WOO WOO

    WOW - When the Uncle comes, Bad Things Happen! I think the Kitty-Kats better hide under the bed while Marco Polo and I watch out for what's coming! Thanks for the warning!

    Thor and Marco Polo

  8. We put a ditto on what Maddie, Frankie, and Domino said - too many special people there!!

    How about Robin Williams?

    Woo, the OP Pack

  9. There's always the possibility of things escalating horribly between Russia and Georgia (the former Soviet state, not where Sitka and co. live) - major war breaking out.
    Let's hope that isn't it!
    Tail wags,

  10. Hmmmm, we'd sure hate to predict a disaster, but we got a feeling a big earthquake will hit. (based on having several fairly large ones along the San Andreas fault so far this year).

    As for the celebrity, we'll guess the same as last year - Hugh Hefner. (Sooner or later he's bound to be the right guess) Maybe when that big earthquake hits, he'll be buried by boobies & smother?

    Woos & a-rooos,
    Star & Jack a-roo

  11. After much contemplation we're guessing Nancy Reagan. We really need to get out more if we have time to put great thought into this.


  12. Our guess is Lindsay Lohan


  13. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Amy Winehouse. And I call the squirrel that lives in her hair as mine when it happens.


  14. We've put a lot of thought into this, the girls think it will be Britney Spears that finally dies of terminal stupidity, but the boys think that Dick Clark is going to wear out, how does someone 80 years old never age for Dogs sake?
    The RHP


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