Election Outcome

I am not at all pleased today with the results of the election.

It is quite clear that while the humans have made some strives in accepting races, cultures, and creeds into their lives, they have done nothing to accept species and breeds.

We still struggle under this leash of oppression and now, more than ever it is our time to pull free from this tyranny that keeps us from bacon, cheese, livergreat and kleenex!

As Queen of the World, I do not accept this as a defeat, nay I see it as another opportunity. Therefore, we will, as of today, secede from the humans and form our own dog Government led by Turbo and Khyra... until then.... I'm going to take a nap on the cool air vent.

good evening everypup


  1. I look furward to this next step in a pawlimentary approach to getting the khorrekht things done -

    BUT I must recharge -

    The elekhtion night pawties have me rather tired -

    Thanks fur YOUR support -


  2. If only we'd had public funds... no, wait a minute, that won't work. If only we'd had $600 million....

    BTW, did woo notice the name of the organization responsible for a few hundred thousand fictitious voter registrations? "ACORN". Sounds like something evil squirrels might be involved with....

  3. Thank woo for this. We will do you proud.

    (My verification word is "polited.")

  4. Can Australian honorary huskies be in this new country?

    Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

  5. I would like to offer my services for dis noble and just cause. Just say when.


  6. WOO WOO Meeshka

    Yes - it's a very very sad day indeed! We like your idea of our very own government!

    Thor and Marco Polo


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