Fledgling Season

Although I prefer grub season (small tasty bits in the ground, you just snoofle their location, dig them up, and enjoy), the Mutatoe likes fledgling season.  For me, its just too much work for so little reward.

Chase the squeaking thing, catch the squeaking thing, squish the squeaking thing, listen to the human woman scream, give the non-squeaking thing to the human woman who throws it over the fence, and that's it.  No tasty reward for all of that hard work.

This season its been Mutatoe 4, fledgling birds 0.  You'd think they'd learn by now.


  1. You'd think so....

  2. We totally agree!!! Debbie and Holly

  3. So even with the Mutatoe paw he can still catch the fledglings? I'd say that's Darwin's Theory of Evolution at work.

  4. Mutatoe - advice from Queen Natasha the Evil. Swallow quickly. The humans rarely retrieve from her.

  5. I'm with the Herd. Chew quickly and swallow! That always works for Samuel. I usually like to bring mine in the house and show the humans how cool I am by catching them. Which makes my human scream and yell for dad to come get it. I don't even get a trade up!! How sad is that!


  6. Hahaha funny read

    I created a poll to see what people think is the best dog breed for a family with children. Give us your input!


  7. If you live to the age of a hundred you have it made because very few people die past the age of a hundred. Do you agree?


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