Off To The Vet We Go

 I knew something was up when Bleeder and Toast casually took showers and got dressed in the morning, even though it was a weekend morning. They thought they could just fool me and act like nothing was up, but I know when things are up and something was definitely up. I especially knew something was up when Bleeder took my poo and didn't throw it in the bin... she carried it inside, then took it out to the car.

Sure enough, I got my fancy new harness on, and instead of my fancy ride, I got into the not fancy ride and was not happy with my limited access to the front seat. I want to be in the front seats. I'd prefer to drive as well, but for some odd reason they won't let me in the front seats, and they won't let me drive. This is unfair.

To show them how unfair it is, I managed to get all tangled up in my harness and leash and forced Bleeder to climb into the back once we got to the vet clinic and untangle me.

Apparently, according to Bleeder, I am the dog that nobody likes at the vet clinic. I need to greet everyone and everything, including everyone and everything that doesn't necessarily want to be greeted. Oh sure, the staff love me, I even try to go behind the desk and help them with their paperwork, but the one place I don't want to go is on the scale... or in the room.

Once I was weighed, there was a bit of a wait, so Bleeder took me outside to walk around and get "some steam off" in the little wooded area on the side of the clinic. So many interesting sniffs there.

Our turn came and I was summarily pushed into a room where there was more of a wait, and I don't like waiting, so I kept trying to summon my doctor, or at the very least order a nice cold water, because being sociable makes me very thirsty.

Finally a nice guy came in and took my history, and then took me to the back to be poked, prodded, and stole my cultivated sharp nails, then took me back to the room to wait some more. I did not get my order of water and appetizers. Do NOT recommend that waiter.

My doctor finally arrived and it was all talk talk talk, blah blah blah, and then shining lights in my ears, eyes, throat, touchy touchy, pokey pokey, then stabbed me with a needle. Apparently I have to come back in two weeks because my humans don't like giving me my full immunizations all at once.

My doctor tried to bribe me into liking her after all that poking, prodding, light shining, but I took the treat and spit it out back at her. Toast tried and I took the treat, held it for 3 seconds and ptooeed it back at him, clearly showing that I was NOT amused. I have no idea what happened to my loaded potato skins and water order.

While Toast paid for my visit, Bleeder took me back out to walk in the grassy area. Although the waiting room had thinned out, I still try to steal all of the tasty treats they have at dog level, and one time nearly tipped over the giant bin of things, so I wait outside, which is fine with me.

When it was time to go home, they adjusted my leash length to keep me from climbing into the front seat, but by that time I was tired from my visit and just poked my head into the front.

While waiting on a light, some person in a big SUV tried to sneak behind my ride between another car behind us and ran straight into another car. That was exciting, and thankfully didn't hit us when it's parts flew off. Both cars drove off to trade information, so we just drove home, not our circus.

After that, I slept pretty much all day. So much excitement and so many steps. Later on we played soccer ball in the yard and then went to bed. Actually, I had to grab Fashion Fluffy and shove it into Toast's leg to get him to understand that it was time for bed, hurry up and go to bed!

I slept all night, it was a good day, and a good night


  1. You would be better than MEHny MEHNy other Merryland drivers -

    Just sayin'

    I'm content to be driven in The KhrossTrek -



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