Chef Boy Are You Stinky

 It should come as absolutely NO surprise that I'm once again picky about my food.

For the record:

  1. Chicken gave me the runs
  2. Salmon was tasty for about 6 months, then I boycotted the kibble
  3. Salmon canned food was tasty for about 6 months after that, but then I boycotted it
  4. Beef and Bison kibble was a NO right out of the bag
  5. Beef and Bison canned was fine for about 3 months, then meh.
  6. Salmon with beef canned food in a bowl smooshed with a warm gravy was fine... until it wasn't.
  7. I'll eat if the can is fresh off the shelf
  8. I'll eat if the can has been in the fridge, but only when warmed to the perfect temperature.
This is where the issue came in. Oh sure, Toast and Bleeder think there's been an issue since they got me, but that's another thing, the true issue is that Bleeder found the perfect microwave timing and method that got me to eat my food (sprinkle of parmesan was also appreciated), so she wrote down the directions and posted them on the cupboard.

Toast read the instructions, and somehow there was an incident

It smelled horrible... so horrible that I ran out of the dog door.
He immediately called Bleeder to let her know... I could hear her laughing all the way out on the deck.

After that... well, neither the beef, nor salmon was appetizing.

Bleeder got desperate and ordered a new kibble... it's very tasty. I love it. It has "shreds" in it. I don't know what those are, but they're tasty!

I'm going to eat it up to the point where they order several bags of it... then I'll boycott it.

Being a Siberian Husky is so much fun!


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