When Snow isn't Snow

Oh sure, we got snow. The whole yard is full of it, soft, fluffy, cold, lovely snow. We got to play in it for a whole hour before it started raining, but it wasn't rain, it was more like chunks of icky stinging ice things falling from the sky. Then the fluffy snow in the yard turned into a slippery death trap.

This morning we ran out gleefully to play in the fluffy snow and nearly careened into the fence it was so slippery. The human woman laughed at us! SHE LAUGHED! Oh sure, she didn't laugh when Spineless Bionic Hip Puppy Sam nearly fell down, oh no, that wasn't funny... and neither was this apparently:

I piddled with laughter though.



  1. I KNOW woo will get your revenge...

    And it won't be pretty!

    It is furry furry windy here now!

    I've given up and am now an S on my kharpet!


  2. Sorry no snow, boy do I have way too much of it, literally up to my chest, I have to leap just to get around the yard. =)

  3. OUch - ice is NOT fun!!! Be nice, Meeshka, it could have been woo.

    Woos, the OP Pack

  4. Our hu-dad was up in your area today and was trying to catch a taxi on Market Street at 7 a.m. He said he was not laughing either.

  5. Not so steady on her feety-feets now, is she?

    Woos & a-roos,
    Star & Jack a-roo

  6. Snow is GREAT; ice stinks!
    Play bows,

  7. Woooo, that looks really tricky!! I'm afraid I would slide down our hill.


  8. Bet she wishes she had snow-proofed paw pads like yours, eh, Meeshka?

  9. Revenge is sweet. All you have to do is look back on your cartoon and you'll laugh and laugh.

    Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

  10. Revenge is suhhhhweeet! My hume mom almost fell yesterday. I piddled a bit too!

    Hugs and drool, Kel

  11. I totally agree with Zim...Snow is GREAT...Ice sucks! We got hit with the ice too. We have over 1/4 inch of ice on top of the snow, so our sledding trails got messed up. Mom uses YakTrax so she doesn't fall on the ice...we can't have her getting hurt--she brings the food!!!
    Be careful out there!
    Skye & the Moondance Huskies

  12. R street is a hill & has been a sheet of ice. Mommy & daddy bought these thingees fur their shoes called Yaktracs to help them walk to & from their car on R icy street. Mommy said that these thingees R great!

    -da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-


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