Serves Her Right on October 19, 2008 dogs hike Hike N Howl Khyra + siberian husky dogs hike Hike N Howl Khyra siberian husky
How to Get a Grub on October 11, 2008 dig digging grub insect Meeshka + mutatoe dig digging grub insect Meeshka mutatoe
A Fair and Balanced Dog on October 04, 2008 An American Carol bailout bill Bill Maher CNN Erica Hill Fox News OJ + Siberin An American Carol bailout bill Bill Maher CNN Erica Hill Fox News OJ Siberin
Fashion Pig on October 02, 2008 bailout bill congress lipstick pigs senate sucks suit + wall street bailout bill congress lipstick pigs senate sucks suit wall street