Psychic Success!

Dear Meeshka,
Dave here, of the Army of Four. Here's a pic of me. You'll note two things: one good, one not-so-good.

The good is the most obvious -- WATERMELON! After a suggestion by a couple bipeds on the Sibernet-L yesterday, we decided we needed to try some. The problem was mom had just cut open two of my other favorites a couple hours earlier == cantaloupe and honeydew. Mmm. But not to worry. Storm, Amber, Zim and I sent a mind-meld message out to the golf course in the direction of our dad. Sure enough, he stopped at the Farmers' Market (out of the blue!) and bought (yeah!) a watermelon. What a success! And what a great treat! I love it!

The not-so-good thing in the picture is the trash can. Recognize it? Yep... thanks to YOUR mom, Meeshka, we also have the $200 Sibe-proof trash can. CATS! This thing is impenetrable! It's like the Ft. Knox of trash cans! How's a Siberian supposed to snag any goodies with THAT thing around? The old one is in the garage; when we go out that way, I'll often stop and give it a nudge -- like a pat on the shoulder of an old friend.

Sometimes I wish your mama would keep her big ideas to herself!


PS: Did you hear the good news about my biopsy? Woooooooo!

Good work on the melding of minds and getting some tasty watermelon. I'll have to live vicariously through you, as my humans don't love us enough to buy us watermelon (I'm working on that right now).

The trash can is HORRIBLE! There's NOTHING you can do to get into it, absolutely NOTHING!!!! The human woman giggles every time she opens and closes it. We just glare at her.

I also want to send out a hardy CONGRATS ON THE BENIGN BIOPSY DAVE!!!

Dave had a lump in his mouth. After all that nasty surgery to remove some teeth, it grew there, so his humans had it removed. They were very scared that it was something bad, but its not a tooooomer, it's just a lump, perfectly harmless. I'm sure all of that cool watermelon is soothing after such a nasty surgery, and I heard rumors that your pals played tricks on you while you were still groggy. I'd be checking the human camera for evidence!

