Post 68

I tell you, posting 100 entries has been such a challenge. Its not because I'm running out of material, I could chat for days about stupid humans, and complain about the mutants I live with, or simply talk about myself.

No, the real issue is keeping the human woman at the computer so she can transcribe my posts!

If she's not out fetching bland food for the mutatoe, or taking our fun pile of logs to the dump, or going out for starbucks (and not taking me), then she's out doing this... eating tasty meats.

I mean look at this place, look at that menu! The human man has eaten at this place and he comes home smelling all about the tasty meatables and raves about how people just walk around with big skewers of meatables and they slice off tasty meats onto your plate and you eat and eat and eat and then explode.

The humans and Uncle Jack are getting ready to go to this place and they aren't taking us. I mean seriously, what better place to take a husky than a place where humans walk around with hunks of meat... you wouldn't even have to slice it for us, we'd just jump up and take whatever we wanted. It seems like pure doggie heaven, but no, we aren't going.

What will happen is that we'll end up locked in our crates with a pitiful dollop of food in our kongs and we'll be laying around napping and waiting for them to come home and we'll be lucky if there's a scrap of meat or smear of tasty meat juices on their clothes that we can sniff and lick.

I really need to get some funding so I can buy a place like this for dogs, and ONLY dogs! The main speciality will be livergreat on a stick, and we'll even get to chew on the stick.


  1. Turbo and I will do our best to get this no khanines at the YUMMI places changed -

    Likhk her up though!


  2. Momma loves Fogo and Texas de Brazil and all the places with meat on a stick. Now you made her hungry which means she'll be cranky at class tonight. Thanks alot.


  3. They are just big meatable teases, aren't they?


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